Holi in Barsana | About Barsana's Holi | Barsana's Lathmar Holi.

Wishing you all Happy Holi.

Barsana Holi

[Date: 8-3-2023]                                             Location: Barsana

Holi, the festival of colors and love, is celebrated with great fervor and joy in the small town of Barsana, located in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. This town holds a special significance in the Hindu religion as it is believed to be the birthplace of Radha, Lord Krishna's consort. Holi in Barsana is celebrated with unique rituals and traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation, making it a spectacular sight for both locals and tourists alike.

Description of Barsana's Holi.

The celebration of Holi in Barsana starts with a week-long event known as the 'Lathmar Holi'. Lathmar means 'with sticks' in Hindi and refers to the traditional practice of hitting each other with sticks. During this week, men from the neighboring village of Nandgaon visit Barsana to play Holi with the women of the town. The men sing traditional songs and try to douse the women with colors while the women use wooden sticks called 'lathis' to ward them off.

This playful and playful battle between the men and women symbolizes the love and playful banter between Radha and Lord Krishna. The Lathmar Holi is a true spectacle to witness, as the vibrant colors fill the air and the sounds of laughter and singing fill the streets.

On the main day of Holi, the streets of Barsana come alive with the sounds of devotional music, drumbeats, and the ringing of temple bells. People gather in the town square to sing and dance to the beat of dhols and other musical instruments. Brightly colored powders are thrown into the air, creating a rainbow of colors that fill the sky and blanket the town.

The celebration of Holi in Barsana is not just limited to the town square. The entire town is filled with the sounds of music, singing, and laughter, as people visit each other's homes to offer sweets and wish them a happy Holi. Children run around with pichkaris, squirt guns filled with colored water, and delight in drenching anyone and everyone in sight.

Apart from the Lathmar Holi and the main Holi celebration, there are also several cultural programs organized in Barsana, including traditional dances, music performances, and poetry recitations. These programs showcase the rich cultural heritage of the town and provide a glimpse into the history and traditions of Holi in Barsana.

Time for celebrating Barsana's Holi  

Barsana Holi, also known as Lathmar Holi, is celebrated in the town of Barsana, near Mathura in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It typically takes place in the Hindu month of Phalguna, which falls between February and March. The exact date of Barsana Holi varies each year and depends on the Hindu lunar calendar.

When is Barsana Holi (Lathmar Holi) in 2023?

Barsana Lathmar Holi will be held on 8th March of this year (2023)

Conclusion of Barsana lathmar Holi

In conclusion, Holi in Barsana is a truly unique and unforgettable experience. The celebration of this festival brings together the community, celebrates love and friendship, and showcases the rich cultural heritage of the town. Whether you are a local resident or a tourist visiting the town, the celebration of Holi in Barsana is not to be missed. So, if you have the opportunity to visit Barsana during Holi, do not hesitate. Experience the vibrant colors, the sounds of music and laughter, and the love and joy that are at the heart of this wonderful festival.
